A quick check-in: I don’t have too many groundbreaking thoughts this month (or feel like putting in energy to come up with some right now) but there are a few small things:
- I can feel myself shifting in many ways from a “time scarcity” to a “time abundance” mindset, and unwinding some of the schedule- and task-based behaviors I built up over the last 5 years. This was a big goal of my trip and I am really excited to see it happening. It feels phenomenal and I can’t recommend it enough. Last week I signed up to take a 10-day silent meditation course in November (once my current work project is done) which I am expecting to compound this further, as well as generally be really awesome and scary. One downside, at this point it feels like I am going to have a hard time adjusting back to a five-days-a-week job – I feel really spoiled. But..
- I read a great book, Tim Ferriss’s “The Four Hour Work Week” at the recommendation of a former co-worker. Tim in some ways comes off as kind of a dick and I don’t think his methods are repeatable in all fields of work, but I took a lot from it and was challenged by it and some of the things I want to try, to see if I can continue to maintain a non-traditional life arrangement. I challenged Kelsey to read the book and do the same. So, that could make for some fun fall/winter projects.
- I kind of figured out that I might be more of a dog person than I thought:
I was very set on not going to Burning Man, until I sat down one afternoon and decided to go to Burning Man, two weeks ago. So, I’m leaving in about a week. Really really excited to be welcomed into the Icarus team and working with them on a sweet art car in the desert. Expecting lots of love with friends old and new. And probably some crazy revelations that I can blog about when I get back. I feel like I am in a really good place.