In 12 hours I’ll be flying high, heading westbound back towards friends and family and familiarity that should feel great after five weeks on the road. I just uploaded the last of my photos.
To be honest, Berlin was mostly a blur of good music and good vibes and lots of dancing – which is pretty much what I expected. Not a lot to share except that the PanoramaBar inside Berghain was maybe my favorite permanent venue that I’ve experienced, and I’d be happy to end every night out in the morning light at Club der Visionaere on the river (pictured below) – highly recommend. Or maybe with a kebab from Musti’s which is my new favorite in the world. I do have to admit though that in general I get a bit of an unfriendly vibe from Germany (not specific people I meet, who are great, but just, like.. the atmosphere? hard to describe) unlike other European countries I’ve visited and it throws me a bit off – is this just my perception based on prior experiences/prejudices or do other people feel me? Several folks really close to me love it there so I need to talk to them and figure this out.
Not much thoughtful to write about tonight – I just started reading The Geography of Thought at Kelsey’s recommendation and I wish I had read it a year or two ago – will probably have some more thoughts to share when I finish it. But more importantly, wanted to give a brief description of the next few weeks for me since it may be another two weeks before I have another post:
- 4th of July with a certain lady (so stoked)
- Spending a week on the coast of Maine enjoying and reflecting on life with my best friends (also stoked)
- Probably about a week in Philly/NYC/Baltimore catching up with East Coast crew, pitching in on a space ship for Burning Man, providing moral support and generally getting my wits about me again
- And most likely back to Seattle for the last week of July and first part of August to see all those lovelies and catch some very special events in the lives of several friends.
After that – Burning Man? Backpacking? California? We’ll see what happens.
Tunes for this post: Nick Monaco’s American Holiday. Because, totally appropriate, weird, and Nick is awesome, and I heard him spin it in Barcelona a couple weeks ago.