We had a really, really, really lovely trip to Wyoming. I thought a lot about this:

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. -Native American Proverb

It’s an incredibly beautiful place and forces you to think about the stewardship we have for this planet.


In other news, I had a great 5 days in New York with my brother and parents. I love spending time with Jon because we overlap and complement each other in so many powerful and fun ways, and are just generally pretty good at sharing love. Definitely reinforced my desire to share space with him more often.

Oh, and I guess I should mention I just got to Paris a couple hours ago. Had lunch with JV (on the very short list of my best friends in the world, who I’ll be staying with this week) at a lovely little outdoor cafe before he went back to work. Slept pretty well on my redeye across, so now I’m going for a wander to force myself to stay awake for a few more hours and hopefully be on a normal schedule tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Expect more frequent posting starting in the next few days, once I have more things to share and no longer feel a bit like a zombie.


Tunes for this post: !!! Mix for THUMP